Friday, November 20, 2009

Allergy skin test, what do they test for?

I am having one done and was wondering if there is list out there of what they test for.

Allergy skin test, what do they test for?
I have had an allergy test done. It is no big deal, just itches. I don't know exactly were the list is what they test for, but they test for airborn allergins: grass seed, tree pollen, plant pollens, cat dander, dog dander, other animals. I'm not sure exactly what plants, trees and grasses they use. It may be specific to the region you live in, but I found you a couple of sites to look at. The test is more irritating than painful. I have always found webmd to provide helpful hints and the mayoclinic is awesome for most all medical type questions. Hope this is helpful.
Reply:The test can run from pollen, grasses, mold, foods, pets, dander, medicine, etc. It really depends on your history of allergies.

I was tested for about 7 different things I think, on my left forearm. My dad was tested for about 20 - on his back.
Reply:they now do several tests for almost anything, there are different panels they can run or pick things out if they think they know what they are looking for. they can do this with a simple blood draw now, they dont have to do all the pin pricks and rubbing things on you. talk to your doctor because it is expensive. ive tested people for just one kind of panel and it cost them over $100. it will be different in other parts of the states. goodluck.
Reply:When I was tested, they did 30 items: dogs, cats, horses, feather, weeds, trees, grasses, dust, molds, feather and cockroaches.

I was allergic to everything but feathers and cockroaches. But once you know, you can take steps to prevent coming in contact with most of these, with the exception of a pet. I had a cat, and I told them giving her up was not an option so I had to go on daily meds.

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