Saturday, April 24, 2010

What are the symtoms of allergy caused by chemical contact to skin?

i have red rash on my chest,back,neck n face skin.i used sulfur on my skin lastnight and i found out the rash this morning.does the sulfur cause the allergy to me?or is it related to something else?maybe bitten by mosquitoes?i also have a it also related to the allergy if i really have one?

What are the symtoms of allergy caused by chemical contact to skin?
It sure looks like you've got a sulfur-allergy.A sulfur allergy starts with a bright red rash that burns and itches,arround the eyes,forhead,arms and can also get migraine-like headaches,with preasure on one or both ears...I suggest you visit your doc.!
Reply:It sounds like an allergic reaction. Sulpher can also be poisonous if used wrong.
Reply:The rash is the first sign, you may get sick also..
Reply:Yes it is more than likely that it is a allergic reaction. The headache is from the allergic reaction.
Reply:Itching, burning, hives, open sores, blisters, redness, peeling of skin, swelling, numbness are all symptoms of chemical allergic reactions. The sulfur most likely is causing the reaction but the only way to be sure is to go to a physician and take a general allergy test. Mosquitoes leave bumps, not rashes. And as far as the headache goes, that is usually not a sign of allergys to chemicals. Headache is usually related to congestion due to airborne related allergens.
Reply:IF you get a rash because of contact at particular place it can be because of 'contact dermatitis' this is one kind of reaction of body to the antigen. And if the allergy is systamic- pertaining to whole body its type 3 IMMUNOLOGICAL reaction which can be fatal like pencilin allergy.This is called ANAPHYLACCIX IT can happen because of food, preservatives in food, certain sea foods,chocolates(TRYPTOPHAN) peanuts, milk,Drugs, etc

sword fern

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