Monday, November 16, 2009

How to heal the skin allergy?

My skin is sensitive only in some area, which has red spot, dry and pain. I get no idea how I get it, which could be caused by pollution on food, water, air. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to heal it? Please share your experience.

Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions


How to heal the skin allergy?

Its not easy to find the root cause but this sensitivity is are warning sing and it like yr body's defense and shout pls do something.

Skin is yr 3rd kidney and if kidneys are not removing toxins from yr body they start coming out through the skin.

I would suggest to change yr diet: eliminate are cut down all junk food - sugar, fast food, processed food, sodas, magarine/butter, ect.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetable and drink plenty of water and the best to drink is alkaline water - you need to buy a water alklizer. Because tap water is treated with floride and chlorine which are toxic waste and none should be consuming it.

Bottled water is not a solution either as they contain dangerous plastic.

also avoid conventional personal care product as they contain dangerous chemical i.e engine degreasers and can be allergic.

Switch to natural one and check ingredients be4 you buy avoid ones that got name that you cant pronounce.

for good ones check or google for natural personal care products
Reply:by hhrgirl2... Member since:

February 05, 2008

Total points:

196 (Level 1) tea tree oil is a fungus killer....that is what this daughter has it too...combine tea tree oil, vitamin e oil and cocoa butter oil together..put on wherever you have problem...then put cerave cream (in the jar) on top this every night or whenever you can...sitting and watching not use soaps and detergents...or hot water..that makes it worse..

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