Monday, November 16, 2009

I think I have a skin allergy??

I ate some sea food a week ago, and that same night that I ate the seafood, my stomach started to feel really itchy. Within the next few days, I started to see a red rash, and now, my rash is starting to scab up and it has a white ring around the red scabs, and a large red ring (covering almost my who stomach) but the big red circle is not itchy. I would go to a doctor, but i dont have insurance...what do you think I should do?? my dad said to put vinager on it...??? please...any input is apprecated...:)

I think I have a skin allergy??
Well, you definitly have a skin infection.I would go to your pharmacy and make the pharmasit give you a skin cream he/she reccomends.
Reply:You definately have a skin infection. You really shold go to the doctor because it might be dangerous.
Reply:Take some benadryl (or Zyrtec) before bedtime, if the rash looks like its healed some during the night, you may have an allergy and I'd recommend keeping on the benadryl until your stomach clears. This may take a few days to totally clear up.

If the benadryl does nothing, and it looks like its getting worse. You might could try a cortizone cream, antibiotic cream or wash it with peroxide, but I'd really recommend that you see a doctor.

Don't put vinegar on it though as its most likely won't do anything and will probably hurt/burn... and could make things worse.

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