Monday, November 16, 2009

What anti-allergy i may take before i drink red wine so i wont have skin allergy after i drink it?

You could try benadryl (diphenhydramine) but that may make you sleepy. You can try a few different medications to see which ones work. Loretadine (claritin), pseudoephedrine, or chlor-trimetol are also other options that may or may not make you sleepy. Don't drive until you know how they'll effect you (and if you're drinking lots of wine!).

What anti-allergy i may take before i drink red wine so i wont have skin allergy after i drink it?
Benedryl should do it. However, since you know you are allergic I would just leave it alone. You never know when your reaction could get more serious.
Reply:Would you intentionally break your thumb with a hammer or set your house on fire just for laughs?

Then why do you want to do this to yourself? You are damaging your health (and it's more than your skin being affected) for no other reason than a good time? That makes no sense. Especially when there is plenty of other things to get wasted on.

Wine tasting is not for you, pick a different hobby and tell your friends that if they want you along to pick a different activity.

Reply:You have a condition called rosacea. I've had it for years, and my mother had it. Typically, the only thing you can do is stay away from red wine....some other triggers can be hot spicy foods, the sun, cold weather, and stress. WC Fields was afflicted with rosacea....many people mistakenly thought that he drank too much due to the bulbous red nose....but that was not the case. Women are much more likely to suffer from rosacea than men. Your doctor can prescribe one of two meds for this, a fairly new cream, is called fenacea sp?....the other, an old stand-by, is metro gel. Make your doctor write the prescription for the VAGINAL metrogel. It is the exact same as the topical, but the prescription costs much less. The only difference is the vaginal comes in a pink tube and has a vaginal applicator you can throw away...(it is used for bacterial vaginitis)...the dermatological type comes in a light blue tube.....he may argue that the two are different strengths or suspensions, but tell him to look it up in his PDR....they're the same!! Good Luck!! (also, I've found that proactiv works pretty well, too) You can also be prescribed tetracycline...but long term use of any anitbiotic is not a good idea....
Reply:Don't take benadryl and then drink red wine.

If you are going to take and antihistamine, make sure it is a non-drowsy anti-histamine.

You should always check with you doctor first, but something like claritin is an over the counter antihistamine that may work



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